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Blended Up, Every Living Human In The World Would Make A Meatball Just Three Eiffel Towers Wide

Have you ever wondered; how big the goo ball would be if you blended up all of the people on Earth? No? Well neither had I, but some fun mathematician decided to work that out.

If for some unforeseen explanation, you put all living people in the world into a really big blender, extracted all of the goo, and decided to shape this into a human meaty ball – the resulting gooey sphere would be smaller than you would think.   

This… creative… reddit user kiwi2703 decided to do the calculations. So, the density of a human is 985 kilograms per cubic meter, or kg/m3, (close to water, which is 1,000 kg/m3) and the average human body mass is around 62 kilograms. If blended, you could probably stuff 16 humans into a cubic meter (but please don’t try this to confirm it). So for the 7.88 billion people in the world, they could be squeezed into 496 million cubic meters.

This sphere of goo would be just under 1 kilometer wide (around three Eiffel towers), and could quite easily into the Central Park (New York City). Here is a demonstration of that:

For the number of people in the world, this is actually a really small ball, and it is crazy how the majority of the Earth has been changed so much to feed this goo ball.

Every year the world population is growing. In the reddit discussions, when asked about how much this meatball will grow by, u/IntoAMuteCrypt said:

"As a non-algebraic answer: The World Bank and several other sources list a world population growth rate of 1.05% per annum. Let's round up the sphere's diameter to 1km (remember, it's 1km wide, not 1km in radius) for ease of maths, and assume that the average mass of a human does not change.

Across 1 year, the population is multiplied by 1.0105, so the volume will change by the same amount. The radius is proportional to the cube root of the volume, so it gets multiplied by 1.0035 (rounded off). Our 500m radius sphere becomes a 501.7439m radius sphere – it's grown by 1.7439 meters across a year. Converting to seconds, it comes out at a little under 16 micrometers per second. Not a lot, huh?"

This is not the first time someone decided to do these interesting thought experiments. Back in 2014, when the population was a bit smaller at 7.159 billion, it was found that you could fit every human into the Grand Canyon – albeit not as much as a gooey human ball mess as this new example.

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