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An Up-Close Encounter With Migaloo, The World’s Favorite And The Only White Humpback Whale

Migaloo in the Aboriginal Australian language means “White Fella” and the name was coined by the Vice President of Pacific Whale Foundation, Paul Forestell, based on advice from an Aboriginal elder.

Migaloo is certainly one of the rarest creations of mother nature. It is just one of some 35,000 humpback whales that migrate along Australia’s east coast each year.

Each year, many obsessive whale fans attempt to capture the magnificent white humpback through the lens of their cameras. Imagine how lucky you would feel to catch a glimpse of Migaloo with your own eyes. Definitely a once in a lifetime experience.

He was recently spotted again off the Australian coast near Sydney.

“We got extremely lucky and Migaloo come up just a few feet next to our boat, what a sight that was!” Jonas Liebschner of Whale Watching Sydney said.

He is believed to be around 31 years old. Although humpback whales can live to be 80 years old, since Migaloo is an albino, he is susceptible to being riddled with health issues, which is part of the reason why albino animals are so rare in the wild.

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