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Holland Covers Hundreds of Bus Stops with Plants as Gift to Honeybees

The roofs of hundreds of bus stops have been covered in plants as a gift to honeybee, by a city in the Netherlands.  Mainly made up of sedum plants, a total of 316 have been covered in greenery in Utrecht

The shelters not only support the city’s biodiversity, such as honey bees and bumblebees, but they also help capture fine dust and store rainwater. The roofs are looked after by workers who drive around in electric vehicles, and the bus stops have all been fitted with energy-efficient LED lights and bamboo benches
They are just one of a number of measures Utrecht has introduced in a bid to improve air quality. The city aims to introduce 55 new electric buses by the end of the year and have “completely clean public transport” by 2028.
The electricity used to power the buses will come directly from Dutch windmills. Utrecht also runs a scheme which allows residents to apply for funding to transform their own roofs into green roofs.

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